Shawn Sharma, Credit Entrepreneur & Fake Paid Articles
Shawn Sharma aka Prashant Sharma offers mentorship in Travel, Credit Repair, Brand Building, and Funding – Bio from Paid Articles
Shawn Sharma’s Paid Interviews and Feature Articles delve into his journey of mastering valuable skills, a path he embarked upon after leaving Medical School. His driving passion is to empower individuals with a deeper understanding of credit, transforming it into a readily accessible resource in their daily lives. Recognizing the significance of self-branding, Shawn has made deliberate investments in promoting himself through paid articles featured in various publications.
Notably, in his early days, Shawn frequently shared his wealth of knowledge in the realm of cryptocurrency and investments on his Instagram platform, often presenting himself as a testament to the potential for amassing substantial wealth. He extends an invitation to others to join his exclusive paid groups at a discounted rate of $1,000 to $3,000, promising them access to the secrets that could enable them to achieve six to eight-figure earnings. At a later stage, he can seen offering business credit loans by fixing their credits.
However, it raises questions when someone with the expertise to accumulate millions seeks fees from others to access these very secrets. One might wonder why Shawn doesn’t utilize the wealth he claims to have amassed through these undisclosed methods to scale his ventures rather than charging others for the privilege.
While his life’s challenges, accomplishments, and skills may indeed be genuine, the same cannot be said for the paid interviews and feature articles below. These articles appear to be entirely fabricated, serving as paid public relations pieces designed solely to promote his image and establish credibility. On his Instagram account, he prominently displays extravagant travel experiences, luxury watches, opulent living, stays at luxurious hotels, and highlights the financial successes of his clients who have sought his assistance.
However, these displays of wealth and success take on a somewhat ostentatious marketing style when we uncover the presence of counterfeit paid articles associated with his public image. Do not forget his YouTube flaunting the below articles – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggnu0nui4ZQ
His paid articles present him as a credit expert, but when one examines the extensive list of these paid pieces, it becomes challenging to place full faith in his proclaimed expertise. Upon visiting his website, you’ll come across the section under the banner that raises some skepticism. Are these really genuine endorsements, or are they just more paid articles? It appears that in this world, recognition comes at a price, with featured appearances contingent on one’s ability to pay for them. Isn’t that the reality?
It appears that the paid articles mentioned below have played a significant role in securing his verification. Typically, the cost of such publications falls within the range of $50 to $100. When you claim to be earning six figures, making investments in self-branding through these paid interviews and feature articles can indeed be a worthwhile endeavor.
In addition to these questionable paid articles, it’s worth noting that Shawn Sharma’s Instagram account is also populated with a substantial number of fake followers. It’s evident when you observe the presence of fake bot accounts frequently spamming the comment section of his posts. With a staggering 3.5 million fake followers, it becomes clear that there’s an effort to balance out the comment section with numerical figures, even if they lack authenticity.
https://www.facebook.com/shawnsharmafb [ Verified after doing a few Paid Articles ]
https://twitter.com/shawnsharma25 [ Verified after doing a few Paid Articles ]
https://www.instagram.com/shawnsharma/ [ He got verified using the below-Paid Articles ]
When you’re engaged in a profit-oriented business and aim to persuade your followers about the potential for wealth generation through your methods, merely showcasing a luxurious lifestyle isn’t sufficient. Building credibility is essential, and one way to do so is by gaining recognition in the press. However, it’s important to clarify that Shawn Sharma’s articles in no way represent organic coverage by reputable publications. In actuality, all of his interviews and feature articles are self-funded, where individuals can pay a substantial sum to the publications in exchange for their own articles. The content of these articles is largely immaterial, as these publications operate on a “Pay to be Featured” model and are classified as sponsored brand content.
It’s evident that Shawn Sharma was eager to obtain a verified badge, which explains the proliferation of his paid articles throughout Google search results, strategically designed to enhance his online reputation.
A few Examples are JPost, Statesman, and southafrican.com. You can clearly see that this is a sponsored post in the below screenshot.
Below are some more Fake Self-Posted Articles by Shawn Sharma.
The publications mentioned below can be easily bought from Fiverr.com or any SEO group for merely $50 – $500 depending on the Publications. For example Ibtimes for $150, and Influencive for $99. Disrupt Magazine for $99, Yahoo Finance for $350 through Accesswire. He got $$$$ and he knows the value of personal branding. His investment in this self-fake Paid posted article is worth it.
We came across Shawn Sharma’s article on Forbes, authored by Shama Hyder. It’s worth noting that Shama Hyder is a well-known contributor who provides PR services and writes paid articles for Forbes. It appears that Mr. Shawn Sharma has made substantial investments in his own self-promotion through these channels. By the way, securing such placements typically requires strong connections and contacts in the industry.
Update: Forbes Contributor Shama Hyder is now banned from Forbes for Paid Content after Shawn Sharma’s article. Her last article was Shawn Sharma’s only. Looks like Shawn Sharma’s article was bad luck to her.
You might come across him portraying himself as a celebrity on his social media platforms, occasionally showcasing snippets from what appear to be legitimate articles. However, it’s essential to clarify that these articles are not genuine. Regrettably, as it stands, all of his articles are fabricated and self-promoted.
Hopefully, we will come across authentic articles about Shawn Sharma in the future.