Mike Ashabi, True Life Ventures & Fake Paid Articles

Michael Ashabi aka Mike Ashabi is the founder of True Life Ventures, a Coaching Business, and Author of the Book “Demanding Greatness” – Bio from Paid Articles
Mike’s paid interviews and success stories portray his life journey, from dropping out of college to taking on various odd jobs, and ultimately establishing a comprehensive coaching service with the resources at hand to assist fellow entrepreneurs and business owners. His life experiences have uniquely positioned him to support others facing similar challenges. Mike Ashabi’s paid interviews highlight his hands-on approach, where he actively engages with his clients, delves into their situations, and formulates tailored strategies to aid them.
However, possessing expertise and experience is only valuable when shared with a wider audience. What better way to self-promote than by securing features in media outlets where you can showcase your skills and experiences? Consequently, there is a notable presence of Mike Ashabi’s media interviews and success stories in various publications. While his expertise, skills, and accomplishments are genuine, it’s essential to recognize that the interviews and feature articles themselves are available for purchase through PR freelancers or freelancing platforms, typically priced between $50 and $500. In Mike Ashabi’s case, it appears that the PR service provider responsible is Jose Aristimuno of VIP Media.
When you have invested so much in the below-Paid Interviews and Articles then why not flaunt it or use them as marketing material which he is doing wisely on his website – https://www.truelifeventures-ma.com/about/
https://www.instagram.com/mikeashabi/ [ Verified due to below Paid Articles ]
https://www.facebook.com/michael.ashabi [ Verified due to below Paid Articles ]
http://demandinggreatness.com/ [ Website he created for his Tour ]
As a figure in the online industry, Michael Ashabi recognizes the critical significance of maintaining an online reputation and establishing a personal brand. Therefore, his use of marketing tools such as paid interviews and success stories comes as no surprise. Additionally, as an associate of Jose Aristimuño, he is well aware of the potential benefits of utilizing paid articles. Consequently, he is often observed reselling PR packages, as seen on his website [https://www.truelifeventures-ma.com/media/]. His paid articles are featured in various publications known for their “pay to publish” model, making it possible to have almost any content published for the right price.
Publication Like Disrupt Magazine costs $99, FutureShark $175, and Forbes India allows you to publish any content for $699 under their Brand Content Program. Therefore, it’s important to recognize that any information you encounter about him is self-authored and shared either by him directly or through his PR team, often through paid placements in publications. These stories are not organic or genuine in nature. It’s noteworthy that he has refrained from engaging in paid articles related to his book “DEMANDING GREATNESS.”
https://www.forbesindia.com/article/brand-connect/mike-ashabi-teaches-the-value-of-mindset-in-lifes-and-business/62799/1 [ They allow you to post any content under their brand content program for $699 ]
https://disruptmagazine.com/mike-ashabi-knows-that-what-works-for-others-may-not-work-for-you-find-out-more-about-this-unique-business-coach/ [ But this Publication for $99 from Fiverr.com ]
https://futuresharks.com/mike-ashabi/ [ No Comments – https://futuresharks.com/subscription/ ]
https://soinfluential.com/hard-work-pays-off-mike-ashabis-journey-to-happiness-success/ [ Network of FutureShark ]
Apart from the above Publications, Who doesn’t know the so-called Spam WordPress sites that are sold as Media Outlets in Packages by Jose Aristimuno at discounted prices 365 days? These websites are just spam network of sites created with fancy location-based domains that themselves needs SEO and credibility first. Single Content Copy pasted in all websites.
Yahoo Network [ News / Finance / Sports / Money ] syncs content from their network aggregator. This means any network that is approved by Yahoo publishes the content then it is automatically picked by Yahoo News and Finance without validating any claims or anything in the content. So you just need to publish the content on Yahoo network sites in the name of a Press Release. Out of all, the known common way to get on Yahoo is by using the Press Release Services of AccessWire which cost $299. Once you publish your own desired content on AccessWire, it is then automatically seen on Yahoo Finance and Yahoo News which many people are not aware of.
So the PR Service Provider clubs all clients in a single article in the listicle format making them feel like “Top Entrepreneurs ” or “Success Entrepreneurs” [Whatever title satisfies the client’s pride] and publishes them using AccessWire Service which eventually shows in Yahoo News and Yahoo Finance. So Mike Ashabi’s inclusion in the so-called Article ” Top Entrepreneurs to Follow in 2020″ is nothing but a Paid one for which the article itself has no credibility. Mike uses this paid opportunity to glorify himself as a successful entrepreneur on Social Media Bio and Marketing Material is funny.
https://news.yahoo.com/top-entrepreneurs-must-during-covid-063555886.html [ Pay Edtimes $100 and get content published which then sync to Yahoo News and Finance ]
https://news.yahoo.com/news/top-entrepreneurs-watch-2021-131556263.html [ The Funniest Articles. Listing all payers ]
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/meet-ceo-true-life-ventures-212000834.html [ Use the Press Release Service of AccessWire for $299 to get your content published in Yahoo Finance and News ]
Getting Featured on Forbes requires you to be a credible person or just a few $$$ and a PR Service Provider. Alternatively, you can find some Freelancers on Fiverr.com or PeoplePerhour.com and they charge you around $800 – $1200 for Brand Mention where they mention you in the form of a comment or Quote giving you credit in the form of your Full Name, Company Name, and Backlink [ optional ] or $4000 – $5000 for a Feature Article. Forbes Contributor Stephanie Burns is known for her paid articles for which her authorship was revoked. One of the best examples of her paid article is this article where she clubbed multiple clients and made it look real and organic without giving any backlinks. Everyone in the PR industry knows her being a contributor and having relationships with PR agencies.
Mike Ashabi’s mention in this Forbes already is Paid. Even though he claims that it was a pitch we all know what is real and what is Paid.
He really deserves Real and Organic media coverage for all his struggle and expertise not this Paid one.