Jackson Weimer, Forbes Contributor & Paid PR Mentions

PR & SEO campaign can benefit greatly from being included in Forbes as it is one of the top tier publication when it comes to Media outlet. Since Forbes has a huge readership and a strong online presence, more people will notice and recognize your brand. Additionally, a mention or feature article from Forbes gives credibility and increase trust factor resulting in more organic visitors.
PR firms recognized an opportunity to sell Forbes services as more and more people sought to be featured in Forbes. They began providing it as a premium service. To accomplish this, PR firms needed ties with Forbes contributors like Jackson Weimer who could secure coverage for their clients in Forbes.
Status: Authorship Suspended
Jackson Weimer, a Forbes contributor, embarked on his digital journey by crafting memes on social media, skillfully transforming his meme hobby into a successful career. Initially, his Forbes Column was intended to feature stories on emerging meme trends and conduct insightful interviews with prominent figures in the meme community. However, the direction of his Forbes column has taken an alternate path, becoming a place for sponsored mentions and featured articles.
Multiple clients are frequently combined into one statement or comment in the PR service industry, and credit is given as “Name + Designation + Company Name,” with a backlink to each client’s website or social media profile. This strategy is used by many Forbes contributors including Jackson Weimer. By doing this, they can mention a few paid clients in an organic way along with others. Below articles demonstrate how they include multiple clients into one piece. These type of brand mentions are usually more affordable compared to having a full-fledged feature article on Forbes.
Christien Bouc, Founder of Bouc has already been featured in numerous publications, including FutureShark, Hauteliving, Mashable, and more. So, it comes as no surprise to see this feature article by Jackson Weimer.
The List can go on…