Shortcut to Get Featured on FOX, ABC, NBC & CBS

Global exposure, enhancing credibility, and adding trust to your Name and Business are some of the important advantages of Marketing and PR. What could have been the best way to market yourself or your brand other than getting Getting Featured or Mentioned in Media outlets? You gain instant authority, trust & credibility By Being mentioned in hundreds of top media and TV sites!
It ain’t easy to get featured in some credible top-tier real publications including FOX, CBS & NBC too. PR Agencies discovered the ways to put someone on FOX, CBS & NBC and they exploit it by convincing the clients that By adding “as seen on” tag/images on websites, Youtube channels, advertisements, posts, or landing pages result in greater sales/conversions & opens doors to new opportunities. Yes, it does have numerous advantages but only when the media outlet is Real not the affiliate network.
You may come across many PR Service providers or agencies selling this for $149 to $199 and claiming to feature you or your business on FOX, ABC, NBC & CBS publications which is just a marketing gimmick. They actually publish your article as a Press Release to tons of network affiliates sites of FOX, ABC, NBC & CBS not on the REAL one which is created to dump the Press Releases. Below are some URLS of these affiliate sites:
Adding the above publications to your Profile isn’t harmful as they are Cheap and some of them do indexes and add to your Backlink. This comes with lots of Pros and Cons which you can read below:
– Affordable and Multiple Article Publishing
– Can be used for Marketing to claim “As Seen on”
– Used for Verification ( Not sure about this )
– Can Publish own interview or Feature Article
– Comes with Disclaimer “Advertising Content” or “Sponsored”
– Press Release Format Publishing
– Do not Index in Search Engine
– Article comes with Media Contact details
– Articles gets deleted after sometime
In order to get your content distributed to FOX, ABC, NBC & CBS networks, You need to use Press Releases Services from any of the sources below. People use this opportunity to publish their Interviews or Feature articles as there is no editorial review process. The article once published in the Press Release News Room is then distributed and published in tons of affiliates’ sites. One of such sample distribution reports are published below:
Sample Report One and Sample Report Two
The commercial for this does not exist more than $99 if you know the real sources. Many PR Professionals sell this for $150- $250 to their clients.
There are many Freelancers on or Facebook Guest Posting groups who offer to post on affiliates sites of FOX, ABC, NBC & CBS for $15 – $20. You need to give your own drafted articles and they publish it all the network. Many of these freelancers do not use Press Release Services and instead publishes article on The Big News Network from where it is then pushed to the affiliated sites. Eventually, the objective to get featured on FOX, ABC, NBC & CBS gets fulfilled.
7 NewsWire [ ] has a wide network of distribution to these affiliated sites and you can opt for this at $99. However, for bulk orders, you can ask for a discount and can negotiate it for $60. They also give you a report of the distribution to these affiliate’s sites once publishing is done. Many people resell their services under their own Brand.
AB NewsWire [ ] guarantees inclusion on 500+ news websites, including national, regional, local, radio and TV, trade and industry, and international news websites that includes FOX, ABC, NBC & CBS too. Their $40 Package is enough to get you featured on the affiliate sites.
Blackhatworld [ ] forums is a community focused on Digital niches. Their marketplace is filled with many service providers that offer this kind of service at affordable places and are trustworthy. You can post your requirement of this in their “Hire” Section and can get dozens of quotes for this type of service. However, you need to understand that they also resell some or other Press Releases services to get you featured on this site.
Do you know any other Source then do share with us?