GlobeNewsWire Pushing Junks in Name of PR Services

GlobeNewswire.com is one of the world’s largest newswire distribution networks, specializing in the delivery of corporate press releases and financial disclosures. Globenewswire owned and operated by Intrado has spammed their network with so many spam releases which are actually feature articles that are sold in form of round-up articles. If you come across spam articles throughout the Internet such as the ” Top 10 List” or “Top 5 list” of so-called Experts in various niches – Coaches, Digital experts, Entrepreneurs, etc then do not be surprised because this is what Globenewswire does.
The Advantage of using Globenewswire is that they distribute this content to Yahoo Finance and other credible networks. This is why most of the agencies use their PR Services.
Digital Agency pitch to various Niche professionals. For Example, if they are coming up with an Article related to the Top 10 Entrepreneurs then they will pitch 10 Entrepreneurs to be part of their round-up articles. They will charge around $200 – $500 to get mentioned in the article. This commercial varies depending on the position within the article. Once Published through GlobeNewsWire, the content is then aggregated to Yahoo Finance and News. So-Called Entrepreneurs use these articles in their digital media to promote themselves as top professionals. These Articles are then used for PR and Verification purposes.
Most of the PR Network has stopped accepting this junk content, However, GlobeNewsWire is the only network that is currently accepting and filling the Internet with junk.