Roman Shapovalov, Real Estate Investor with Fake Paid Articles ?

“Roman Shapovalov is a Real Estate Investor and Entrepreneur” – Bio from Paid Articles
Roman Shapovalov ‘s paid feature articles tell the story of his rise from menial odd jobs to a successful real estate career. After careful thought and investigation, he made the audacious decision to start his own prosperous real estate company, according to his highlighted sponsored article. Anybody that succeeds in business naturally wants to tell more people about what they’ve accomplished, and media attention is one way to do it. Roman has invested a lot in online media coverage because of this.
He is portrayed as the real estate industry’s shining star in a few of the fake paid publications. Is that really how it is? If the interviews and feature pieces had been legitimate and unpaid for, we might have thought of him as a real ace. As it turns out, these self-serving, compensated narratives appear to have had a significant impact on his verification. This article merely reveals his sponsored and paid promotional piece for verification; it does not cast doubt on his struggles or accomplishments. It also aided in his social media verification which he flaunts on social media. For example – Look at his Facebook post.
http://romanshapovalov.com/ [ Forgot to renew it seems ]
https://www.instagram.com/rsromann/ [ Verified after below-paid articles ]
https://www.facebook.com/rshapovalov [ Verified after below-paid articles ]
Exposure and reputation become critical when you’re a young entrepreneur making major strides in the real estate industry. And how better to accomplish this than with paid sponsored pieces such as the ones listed below? Many online magazines allow readers to submit their feature article as part of their sponsored content offerings. There is usually a prominent disclaimer attached to these placements in the article which can be seen at end of the article.
These articles can be purchased alone for $400 to $500 or as part of packages that many PR agencies offer that include PR verification. For example, VillageVoice is $499, and Jpost is $799, among other prices.
It is apparent that having a significant amount of articles that appear natural is crucial when attempting to get social media verification. This explains why Roman Shapovalov has bought the social media verification package or made large sums in sponsored posts in a variety of newspapers. These magazines mostly act as venues for posting feature articles for $50 to $100, and they frequently have a spammy appearance. Since these platforms appear to accept any content as long as payment is given, there are concerns over their legitimacy as many of these articles are regularly published in a small number of sites.
But who really cares in the rush to social media verification? An easy Google search of his name yields numerous paid, self-promoted articles. Roman seems to have decided to purchase an article bundle in order to raise his visibility.
Here’s the Full Roster of Sponsored and Paid Interviews Acquired by Roman Shapovalov: – Download the Complete List
At times, due to budget constraints, it becomes necessary to share the same article with fellow entrepreneurs. For example, posting an article on the Singapore and India versions of IBtimes is less expensive than on the UK version. This clarifies the reason behind the exclusion of numerous businesses’ articles from IBTimes UK.
https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/roman-shapovalov-sal-rich-how-take-your-social-media-game-1692787 [ Shared Article ]
We hope to encounter genuine coverage of Roman in the future.