Exposing Real Estate Agent, Adrian Bo’s Paid Promotion

Adrian Bo is a certified and accredited Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, with expertise in Sales, Coaching, Leadership, and Auctioneer. Consequently, he provides coaching and mentorship services.
Adrian Bo claims to be among Australia’s top real estate agents and auctioneers, with over 100,000 followers, in sponsored feature interviews and articles. In addition, he has expertise in leadership, coaching, sales, and consulting. He is now offering an online course called “The Adrian Bo System” in which he coaches and counsels students on how to reach their objectives and realize their full potential. In addition, he hosts a podcast on real estate, marketing, sales, property, and his courses.
The CEO of AB Coaching is aware of the value of marketing, particularly self-branding. Adrian is attempting to broaden his online following and raise awareness of his work and online course through these sponsored interviews and feature pieces. If your course is assisting students in reaching their objectives, then why do sponsored articles and paid PR Publishing? Furthermore, he proudly displays his Paid interviews on his Instagram highlights, making them appear genuine and natural. He was also able to obtain social media verification thanks to these publications. It appears that the articles below were purchased in packages for verification, which is a very typical practice in the PR Selling.
Social Media Flaunting of Paid Mentions – https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/18233971183054991/
His accomplishments, skills, and expertise are genuine; however, the interviews and articles below are not, and they can be obtained for $100 to $500 in packages from any PR freelancer.
https://www.instagram.com/boadrian/ [ Verified due to below Paid Articles ]
https://www.facebook.com/adrian.bo.965 [ Verified due to below Paid Articles ]
Adrian Bo’s online course and success stories are the main topics of his paid interviews and sponsored articles. It appears that he is making an effort to convince his clientele that he is credible by using this paid interview as reference. Why not make better use of this PR articles if someone is spending so much on paid PR articles. Also one have the option to write whatever you want and to glamorize yourself if you are opting for sponsored publishing. In one of his sponsored pieces, Adrian further states that he is one of the top real estate brokers with the most well-known clientele. This may be the case, but the claims made and the content of the articles become doubtful when these are paid for.
Although his feature articles appear natural, but the truth is that any freelancer on Fiverr.com can sell you such service. Paying a Fee for publishing your content is well-known practice in PR industry. All you have to do is submit your own draft piece, and they will publish it for as little as $20 to $200. Fox Interviewer for $5, America Daily post $50, and London Post $50 are a few examples.
We have compiled Whole list of his Paid interview & feature articles – Download here
In one of his paid interview pieces, Adrian claims that social media is more than just a tool for maintaining connections. It has the ability to establish a brand.” This explains why he is engaging in self-branding. And besides being social media verified and appearing in media, what could have been a better way to increase trust among followers? Under their advertising program, Brand Content, Below Publications allows anyone to submit their own interview or feature piece, provided that it is published with a disclaimer. Paid placement can be acquired directly from publications such as DailyCaller, Village Voice, and Mercury News, and is available for between $800 and $1500.
Getting featured in Forbes India, a localized edition of Forbes, is a simple process. Forbes India’s Brand Connect programme lets you publish any kind of content you want for just $1000. Due to its easy accessibility for paid placement, you will locate the majority of entrepreneur articles are in forbes India for this reason. Anything you read in below Forbes India article is self-drafted and paid.
Sharing paid placement in the article is a cost-effective and old method of the PR industry to share the cost of publication by merging them. These articles are written with only the purpose of social media verification without giving any value to readers. For which “Name ” in the article title is important and we can see the same in the below article. Anyone can get themselves featured in this publication if they have a decent budget. An article on IB TIMES cost $1500 while Forbes Monaco cost $3000.
IB TIMES shared with Robin Janssens – https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/robin-janssens-adrian-bo-how-you-can-dominate-your-industry-2021-1692885
FORBES MONACO with Peter Tri – https://forbes.mc/article/how-to-transform-your-passion-into-a-fruitful-career-as-per-adrian-bo-and-peter-tri
We like to see some real interviews and media mentions instead of the above fake articles.